How to display Taxi Booking Form?

To display the taxi booking form using the WP Ride Booking Pro plugin, follow these steps to set up and customize your form on WordPress efficiently.

1: Install and Activate WP Ride Booking Pro #

  1. If you haven’t already, download and install the WP Ride Booking Pro plugin. Then download the plugin and activate it.


2: Copy the Shortcode #

  1. Navigate to the Plugin Settings: Go to the ‘Ride Booking Pro’ menu in your WordPress dashboard.
  2. Find the Shortcode: Locate the shortcode provided by the WP Ride Booking Pro plugin.


3: Place the Shortcode #

  1. Add to a Page or Post: Navigate to the page or post where you want to display the taxi booking form. Paste the shortcode into the content area.
  2. Add to a Widget: If you want to display the form in a widget, go to the ‘Appearance’ > ‘Widgets’ menu. Add a ‘Text’ widget to your desired widget area and paste the shortcode into the widget content.