How to get google map api key?

To fully utilize the features of the our taxi booking plugin, you will need a Google Map API key. Follow these steps to obtain and configure your API key :

1. Go to Google Cloud Console

In the Google Cloud Console, create new project for which you want to add an api key.

2. Enable the Google Maps API 

  • In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to the “Library” under the “APIs & Services” menu.
  • Search for “Maps JavaScript API”  and enable it.

3. Create Credentials

  • In the Google Cloud Console, navigate to APIs & Services > Credentials page.
  • On Credentials page, choose project and then click on Create Credentials > API key.
  • Your new API key will be displayed. Copy this key to use in the WP Ride Booking Pro settings. 

4. Restrict Your API Key (Optional but Recommended)

  • Click on the “Restrict Key” button next to your API key.
  • Under “Application restrictions,” select “HTTP referrers (web sites).”
  • Enter your website URL(s) where the API key will be used.
  • Under “API restrictions,” select “Restrict key” and choose the “Maps JavaScript API.”
  • Click “Save.”

5: Add API Key to WP Ride Booking Pro Settings #

  1. Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the WP Ride Booking Pro settings page.
  3. Paste the copied API key into the designated field for the Google Map API key.
  4. Save your settings.