Available Payment Methods for Taxi Booking

With the WP Ride Booking Pro plugin, seamlessly integrated with WooCommerce, you have access to a broad range of payment methods to cater to your customers’ preferences. This flexibility ensures a smooth and convenient booking experience. Here’s an overview of the payment options available:

Supported Payment Methods #

Our taxi booking plugin supports a variety of payment methods including:

  • Credit Cards: Accept all major credit cards, such as Visa, MasterCard, and American Express.
  • Bank Transfers: Offer direct bank transfer options for customers who prefer this traditional method.
  • Mobile Payments: Support for payments made through mobile devices.
  • Ewallets: Integrate with popular ewallets for convenient and secure transactions.
  • Check: Allow payments via checks for customers who choose this method.
  • Cash: Enable cash payments for those preferring to pay in person.

Integration with WooCommerce Payment Gateways #

WP Ride Booking Pro is fully compatible with any payment gateways supported by the WooCommerce plugin. This means you can integrate with a variety of payment processors to suit your needs. Some of the most commonly used payment gateways include:

Configuration Instructions #

To set up and manage your payment gateways, follow these steps:

  1. Access Your WordPress Dashboard: Log in to your WordPress admin panel.
  2. Navigate to WooCommerce Settings: Go to WooCommerce > Settings.
  3. Select Payments: Click on the “Payments” tab to configure your payment methods.

By configuring these settings, you ensure that all preferred payment options are available to your customers, enhancing their overall booking experience with WP Ride Booking Pto.